Thursday, August 28, 2014

23 weeks

Weekly Info...

How far along are you? 23 weeks 1 day

How I’m feeling: is there a word for tired that's more than exhausted? That. That's what I am. Open House was tonight and I LOVED meeting my kiddos (24 out of 26) but whew, this momma is beat. 

Total weight gain: I'm not sure. And sadly, I'm already sitting with my feet propped as I type this...and I'm definitely not getting up again until it's time to go upstairs. Or can I sleep on the couch downstairs and be completely okay with it?!? 

How big is baby? "Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With a sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that he or she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see him or her squirm underneath your clothes.

Blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and his or her hearing is becoming more keen. In fact, your baby's cochlea – the inner ear mechanism that houses all components of hearing – is fully formed. So he or she can hear what you hear, but not at the same level. (Sounds and voices are muffled by the muscles and tissues around your belly, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid.)" -babycenter app. 

Maternity clothes: always still. I'm thinking the shoe size is the next one to increase :(

Stretch marks? No thanks. 

Sleep: pretty good this week...meaning when I fall asleep I usually stay asleep for a while. But sleep isn't restful this week. I've tossed and turned the past few nights. 

Best moment this week: feeling her little (read: not little at all) punches and kicks all over my abdomen. She even felt it necessary to kick (or punch) me in the back. That wasn't fun. Quite painful actually. 

Movement: nonstop. She even made sure to let me know she was awake all day today by terrorizing my insides. Wouldn't trade it for the world!!

Food cravings: Taco Bell. No, I haven't gotten it yet. Red grapes from Sams. We are the huge box in a matter of days.

Food aversions: chicken salad. Blegh!

Belly button in or out: innnnnnnnn

What I Miss: standing and walking around all day at work and not feeling like my legs were going to fall off. 

What I’m looking forward to: seeing my belly grow even further past my toes. It's impossible to see them if I look straight down without bending. As of now, I only have to do a little tilt forward and I can see them again. 

Milestone: little miss has been growing healthily for 23+ weeks now!!! Grow little miss, grow :)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

22 weeks!

Weekly Info...

How far along are you? 22 weeks 1 day today

How I’m feeling: great!! Other than my back hurting from the terrible cafeteria table seats,  plastic kid seats, and pregnancy in general...great!

Total weight gain: last week to this week- 

How big is baby? "Your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His or her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and tiny tooth buds are developing beneath the gums. Your baby's eyes have formed, but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. At 11 inches and almost 1 pound, your baby is about the size of a spaghetti squash.

If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers your baby's body and the deep wrinkles on his or her skin, which will be filled in before birth by a nice padding of fat. Inside your baby's belly, the pancreas – essential for the production of some important hormones – is developing steadily." -babycenter app

Maternity clothes: "work" clothes. They just aren't as comfortable/cute as jeans and a top! 

Stretch marks? None

Sleep: annnnddd...we're back to the nightly wake up calls between 130 and 330am. 

Best moment this week: I think the best moments are still feeling her. I am able to move her on command haha. So now, when she's mashing against the side part of my belly, I can move her. Don't worry, it only lasts a few short minutes because apparently she's most comfortable when I'm not. 😘 

Movement: all. the. time. 😍😍😍 she goes crazy as soon as I eat or drink anything with sugar and as soon as I sit down after being on my feet all day at work. 

Food cravings: Kraft Mac n cheese. We're out. 😳

Food aversions: nada! Give me it all. 

Belly button in or out: in

What I Miss: sleeping on my belly/side. 

What I’m looking forward to: seeing her again in a month!!

Milestone: one more week is done and all is still well! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

21 weeks (+1 day)

Weekly Info...

How far along are you? 21 weeks 1 day today

How I’m feeling: the past week, not too bad. Today, beat. Today was back to school for new teachers so I'm pooped. 

Total weight gain: from last drs appt (16 weeks) to this weeks appt (21 weeks) +3 pounds. Not gonna lie, it made me sad. Yes, I knew I'd gain weight eventually but I was enjoying the number staying the same or going down. 

How big is baby? Your baby now weighs roughly three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long – about the size of a carrot. You may soon feel like he or she is practicing martial arts as initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to your baby's activity as you get to know him or her better.
(From babycenter app)

Maternity clothes: so long jeans, hello work pants and dresses/skirts. 

Stretch marks? None. 

Sleep: not too bad overall, but last night between the excitement of starting back to school and Little Miss AG having a sleep. 

Best moment this week: finding out everything is still great as can be with this pregnancy. She has all parts necessary (4 chambers in her heart, brain size, 2 legs, 2 arms, kidneys, etc). We even got to see her moving on the ultrasound!! Weird but so cool!!! 

Movement: more and more. Every day I work, as soon as I sit down she goes crazy! Like, whew mom! Finally!! 

Food cravings: Hershey's with Almonds, sliced apples with peanut butter and honey

Food aversions: none

Belly button in or out: in

What I Miss: bending over with my legs together

What I’m looking forward to: seeing how much she moves and grows over the next few months! Less than 19 weeks til our due date :)

Milestone: anatomy scan went very well!!

Obligatory pics (in one of my favorite maternity shirts):

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


.....Miss Abigail Grace. 😊 

If you couldn't tell, she's still a she! I think the mister was a little disheartened that she didn't grow boy parts. Or maybe he just has to be opposite me and want a boy? I can already tell Little Miss AG will have her daddy wrapped!!! Shhhh...but I think he's already wrapped 😉

We had a great appointment today. We were able to see her for a few minutes and even got to see her moving on screen! It was so neat for me to feel her moving and see her moving on screen at the same time. I think Phil liked being able to see her move too. Maybe it makes it more real when you can see her kicking and punching and squiggling along. It's like she was just saying "hey mommy and daddy, I'm in here and I'm okay!!" Or maybe more like "hey mommy and daddy, get ready cause I'm one feisty little miss!!" 

I'm going with both.

I cannot wait to see what the next 19ish weeks hold!! We will get to see her again in about 7 weeks. Being able to see her changing over the months is amazing to me! Amazing. 

Here's a little shot to leave with you 😍 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

School Supply Soapbox

This soapbox is not meant for all parents. Many parents are aware of our struggles and are often so generous when school starts back regarding supplies. For you, I am more than thankful!! 

However, we all know there are parents complaining about school supply lists, and while I can appreciate your concern, please understand we don't sit around and think of every last thing we can just to "get more out of parents." Even with school supply lists, many teachers I know spend oodles and oodles on more supplies for the classroom. Heck, my first year teaching I made $28k. Before taxes. I can assure you, what wasn't spent on bills and food was definitely spent on my class. 

Also, when we ask for 4 packs of pencils, it's so we don't have to send home notes every other week asking for more pencils. 

We know you aren't made of money. We aren't either. Some of us still try to remain cognizant of that whilst making our lists. 

So while buying school supplies this year, I beg of you, just think of the flip side. 

Time to jump off that soapbox. 

This link is the perspective of a parent....

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

20 Glorious Weeks!!

Weekly Info...

How far along are you? 20 glorious weeks

How I’m feeling: huge and tired. Going back "full time" this week to professional development classes and in my classroom has taken its toll on me. My feet swell every day. My back aches. I know, I know. It'll only get "worse" from here seeing how I have 20 more weeks. But I am struggling this week. Hopefully once back in a routine I'll feel less whiny. Hopefully. I'm sure the mister would appreciate it. Sorry babe! I still love you :)

Total weight gain: nada. I go to the doctor again next week so we'll see what she says. 

How big is baby? "Your baby weighs approximately 10 1/2 ounces now and measures around 6 1/2 inches from head to bottom and 10 inches from head to heel – about the size of a banana. (You may wonder why you're seeing two length measurements this week. Until 20 weeks of pregnancy, babies are measured from the top of their head to their "rump." That's because their legs are curled up against their torso during the first half of pregnancy, so they're hard to measure. Starting next week, you'll see only the head-to-heel measurement.)" -from babycenter app

Don't worry, I feel every bit of her when she sprawls out in there. 

Maternity clothes: are there such things as non-maternity clothes? If so, I don't see them. Haha! I actually put on a pair of "pre-pregnancy" shorts the other day and it was pretty hysterical (read: depressing) at how they (don't) fit. Oh, how the body changes during pregnancy. 

Stretch marks? None. 

Sleep: not too bad this week. Awake a few nights sometime between 2-4am but usually asleep within half an hour or so. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it!!! 

Best moment this week: seeing my teacher planner move. By itself. I was sitting on the couch and it just moved up a little. Apparently she doesn't like anything resting on her while she's sleeping. 

Movement: all the time. She's been more awake during the day this week. By finding a place to hang out (my bladder!!), she has especially made her presence known during classes this week. I think she thinks it's a trampoline. 

Food cravings: Hershey's with Almonds. Stay away from them. Ask the mister. He's received a "why'd you eat my candy bar!!??" twice this week. Poor guy. Think he knew what he signed up for, us getting pregnant?

Food aversions: I think I'm good this week. As long as I don't eat too large of a meal, and I don't smell anything nasty, everything is good to go :)

Belly button in or out: in. Although today I feel like it could be on its way out (not really, it's still way in-I just feel huge enough for it to pop). 

What I Miss: my belly muscles being normal. They are stretching and moving and stretching and moving and whew. Is that exhausting to you? I feel like we've hit a growth spurt this week and there's no turning back. :)

What I’m looking forward to: Next week. We have our anatomy scan where they check all her parts to make sure she's growing and healthy so far. 

Milestone: HALF WAY, muchachos!!! 

I figured I'd start attempting to take front view and side view shots. Go ahead, laugh. I did. With a side of tears. But there was laughter. Or maybe that was the mister laughing...meh ;-)

Disclaimer 1: yes, I'm tired. And I look it. 
Disclaimer 2: yes, that's our water hose. We empty and refill the kiddie pool every few days and we're not about moving the hose or wrapping (rolling? laying? Eh, you know what I mean) it up neatly every time. I've come to accept it and how it looks "messy" can too ;-)