Wednesday, May 21, 2014

End of the year....


I'm so exhausted it isn't remotely funny. This 'year' has been quite trying- emotionally, physically, psychologically. It is extremely difficult coming into a classroom after another teacher has started the year. I never wish to do it again, actually. I pray that all my future years of teaching shall be beginning to end. I have done the best I can with my youngens. It definitely hasn't been a negative experience as I have learned a whole heck of a lot. I feel like I've molded these darlings to the best of my ability and here I stand (read sit after a long day) proud of these kids and myself. I've had an amazing group of teachers to help out when needed. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have supportive teammates. Phew- can't imagine. 

Alas, the end of this school year is approaching and I'm ready. Ready to see what great things these kids do in years to come. Ready to see my next group of kids (yes, I have a job!!!!!!) and what they'll do. Ready to relax over the summer and spend time catching up with friends and family. Ready to sleep til 8am (heck I'll take 6 or 7am). Ready to be lazy and read a book. Ready to take vacations with my mister. 

All of that said, I'm sure by the time August comes I'll be ready for the early wake up calls...eager to mold my kids again :)

16 more days of teaching this group of kids. 16 more days to make a lasting impression. 16 more days of these 54 kids making me laugh, smile, cry, worry. Bring it :) oh, and 16 more days of waking up early and hoping I can stay awake longer than 8pm. 16 more days of setting an alarm. 

Here's to the next 16 days of impacting lives. 

Vicky, out :)

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