Weekly Info...
How far along are you? 39 weeks. Someone pinch me. I can't believe we're this far.
How I’m feeling: great! Spent most of the morning relaxing in bed and then cleaning downstairs. Tonight, we started watching The Walking Dead from Season 1. It was a tough decision to take off work a week early, but I'm glad I did. Getting some extra rest and being able to sit a little throughout the day has helped tremendously.
Total weight gain: no weight gain in the past week!!! Still at 24lbs and that makes me happier than a pig in poo.
How big is baby? "Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He or she may measure about 20 inches and weigh a bit over 7 pounds, about the size of a mini-watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.)
Your baby continues to build a layer of fat to help control body temperature after birth, and the outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath." -babycenter app
Maternity clothes: none new for maternity but I did break down and buy some nursing tanks to wear in the hospital and after.
Stretch marks? None have appeared in the past week. We'll see how it goes from here.
Sleep: i was able to get 4 hours straight, last night! What wondrous sleep it was, too. Maybe tonight I'll get 4 hours again?
Best moment this week: knowing the mister is there for me even when I'm freaking out about it all. He sure knows how to keep me grounded (poor guy had to put up with a few looks and "emotional" (read b****y) moments).
Movement: is getting inconsistent. She's running out of room and baby girl likes to sleep during the day. As long as she moves when I wake her, I'm okay...otherwise it freaks me out and my mind wanders to places it shouldn't go.
Food cravings: Milk, milk, and more milk. I canNOT get enough of it. I'm talking, chug it straight out of the Oberweis glass bottle if I could!! I think it's time to start getting a whole gallon of white milk and half gallon of chocolate instead of just a half gallon of each. Oh, and toasted English muffins with peanut butter right out of the toaster. It melts the peanut butter into ooey gooey goodness!!
Food aversions: none.
Belly button in or out: still barely in. The edges of it look as if it wants to poke out but the knot is still inside.
What I Miss: Breathing comfortably. And sitting/laying comfortably. Not much longer and I'll have my lung space back, right?
What I’m looking forward to: meeting this squishy little thing. We made a trip to Labor & Delivery last night after having steady contractions (every 2-4 mins lasting a minute or so) for an hour and 45 minutes. Contractions continued for another 2 hours but didn't progress any in those 2 hours so home we went. Pain for another 3 hours then nothing. Nada. Home girl wanted to stay put.
Milestone: maybe that nesting has begun? I want to clean and throw everything away. Only problem? I still get so tired.
This week's pictures aren't the most flattering but they are reality...
I love this one!! He's checking up on the monitor, listening and watching her heartbeat and the contractions:
Last night at L&D wondering if we'd meet our little girl last night:
Wonderful shot of a contraction starting---it's not pretty haha!! Yep, taking selfies in the hospital was my idea of fun last night:
Tonight (never mind the dog hair everywhere-Elsie and Richard have spent the day near me):
Baby girl, we cannot wait to meet you but know you'll come on your terms and not ours. As long as you're healthy inside, we'll take any day to be your birthday 🍭