Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day 2014

This. This reminds me why I do what I do. This reminds me I am making a difference. This reminds me to keep on trucking. This reminds me to be thankful for the ones I am reaching. This reminds me to hold out hope for those not there *yet*. 
(We haven't hit your and you're) ;-) (it's on the menu for next week) 

And no one could replace you! 

And these? Oh, these are from the mister. He's a keeper, too! Makes up for the fact today's a duty day. 

I give him crap all the time for not being as romantic as he was when we first started dating. Haha! This... this'll cut him some slack for a while ;-) I love you babe!! 😘 

Days like today I'm reminded he loves me no matter what. I sure do love that man a lot!!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! That note is precious. And good job on the flowers Phil!! :) I don't think either Septtro or I are as romantic as we were when we were dating. Well it's hard to do the same kind of stuff now anyway. But we are doing better at doing the little things to make each other feel loved. That's what counts right? :) Happy valentines to you both!
